Shenzhen shenkeda Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.

Group Stock Code:688328

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Shenzhen Shenkeda Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Keda Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise invested and established by Shenzhen Keda Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. (stock code: 688328). Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the research and development, production, sales, and technical services of semiconductor component testing and sorting machines

The company currently has a group of more than 300 senior core R & D team, including more than 200 basic R & D personnel (group), test sorting machine professional R & D more than 100 people, after years of unremitting technological innovation, has mastered the core technology of integrated circuit testing. At the same time, we also actively develop independent intellectual property rights, and have more than 500 intellectual property rights.

Looking forward to the future, Shenkeda Semiconductor will continue to adhere to its corporate mission and national corporate spirit, step by step, vowing to be a first-class equipment supplier for semiconductor testing and sorting machines, and working together with you to create a brilliant future

Development path

Looking forward to the future, we look forward to working with you!
  • 2023

    Shenzhen Keda Semiconductor Huizhou Base Fully Launched
    The company has completed the overall relocation and Shenzhen Keda Huizhou Industrial Base has been fully opened
  • 2022

    New series of test sorters launched
    Three series of new products, namely, translational test sorter, cam dual track machine, and gravity test sorter, have been introduced and mass produced successively, laying a solid foundation for the company's future technological improvement and business growth
  • 2022

    Total sales of 3000 rotary tower test sorters "The shipment volume ranks among the top in the domestic market, has obtained long-term market validation, and has established good cooperative relationships with many well-known enterprises."
  • 2022

    Huizhou Shenkeda Base Completed
    Shenzhen Keda Huizhou Industrial Base has been completed and put into trial operation, covering an area of 110000 square meters, integrating research and development, production, office, and warehousing
  • 2022

    Won the new honor of Guangdong Provincial Specialization
    This award fully recognizes the company's achievements in product research and development and technological innovation, marking that the company has advanced to a new level in innovative development
  • 2021

    Shenzhen Keda Intelligent Technology Innovation Board went public
    The parent company, Shenkeda Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., was successfully listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange under the stock code of 688328
  • 2021

    Won the honor of national high-tech enterprise "Relying on a professional research and development team, continuous independent innovation ability, and efficient technical services and enterprise management system, it has successfully passed the recognition of" National High and New Technology Enterprise "."
  • 2020

    Accumulated sales of 1000 rotary tower test sorters
    Shenkeda Semiconductor has gradually gained a foothold in the domestic market, with core technology, product quality, and market sales continuing to rise
  • 2017

    Shipment of the first test sorter
    Successfully developed the first turret type semiconductor testing and sorting machine SKD962
  • 2016

    Shenzhen Keda Semiconductor was founded
    is invested and established by Shenzhen Keda Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. (stock code: 688328), specializing in the research and development, production, sales, and technical services of semiconductor component testing and sorting machines
  • 2004

    Shenkeda Pneumatic Equipment Company Established
    The company is mainly positioned in the research and development, production, and sales of automation equipment