Shenzhen shenkeda Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.

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SKD810 gravity separator is a fully automatic separator designed for testing TO series packaged power device products. The sorter has multiple test stations in series, and integrates insulation testing, conventional electrical performance testing, laser marking, brush dust removal, visual inspection, and other functions

● Feeding method: automatic feeding of the material pipe and replacement of the material pipe

● Test positions: 2 insulation test positions+4 electrical performance test positions, improving efficiency and facilitating maintenance

● Material dividing position: driven by a servo motor, the material blocking cylinder of the material dividing shuttle adopts a downward intake mode, with a lightweight mechanism and stable and accurate operation

● Discharge method: Automatic tube discharge method, with red and white tube settings available, effectively distinguishing between good and bad products

● Marking station: equipped with a set of 20W optical fiber marking machine

● Unique equipment transformation mechanism, which can complete the equipment supporting transformation by replacing a small number of parts according to the requirements of the test product in the later stage

● Equipped with an industrial computer Win10 system man-machine interface, the interface can real-time display the number of products in each material pipe during production, UPH, fault location, causes, processing methods, and other functions


SKD821 Gravity Sorter: It is a fully automatic sorter designed for packaging testing of IPM DIP series products. The sorter adopts a diagonal back mode, and has two functional testing stations and one visual inspection station. It integrates conventional electrical performance testing and visual inspection functions

● Feeding method: stack and load the material pipes, and automatically switch the material pipes

● Test station: 2 electrical performance tests+1 visual inspection

● Material dividing position: driven by a motor, the position of the material dividing tube can be set with red and white tubes, effectively distinguishing between good and bad products

● Discharge method: stack and place the material pipes, and automatically switch the material pipes

● Modular structural design, which can be used to complete the equipment supporting transformation by replacing a small number of parts according to product requirements in the later stage

● Unique equipment transformation mechanism, which can complete the equipment supporting transformation by replacing a small number of parts according to the requirements of the test product in the later stage

● Equipped with an industrial control computer WIN7 system man-machine interface, which can real-time display the product quantity, UPH, fault location, causes, processing methods, and other functions of each material pipe in production

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