Shenzhen shenkeda Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.

Group Stock Code:688328

Service hotline:

+86 0752-5880-900(8280)
4Company news

In 2016, Shenzhen Keda entered the semiconductor industry, accompanied by the old logo, and witnessed the growth and every step of Shenzhen Keda Semiconductor. With the continuous cultivation of the brand of Shenkeda Semiconductor, in order to better serve customers, have a higher degree of recognition, and meet the needs of their own cultural precipitation, after continuous optimization and careful polishing, Shenkeda Semiconductor has brought a new brand logo

The new logo adopts a flat form of expression, and the colors are taken from vibrant red and high-level gray. The main hexagon is composed of two pairs of hands held together from top to bottom, implying "win-win cooperation", which has three meanings:

▲ Win win cooperation between Shenzhen Keda Semiconductor and customers

Insist on customer first and create value for customers intelligently;, Helping customers succeed is the unchanging concept of Shenzhen Keda Semiconductor

▲ Win win cooperation between Shenzhen Keda Semiconductor and channels

The strong will unite to achieve win-win cooperation. Shenzhen Keda Semiconductor will cooperate with its channel partners to jointly provide a wider range of customers with high-quality intellectual services and goods

▲ Win win cooperation between Shenzhen Keda Semiconductor and employees

People oriented, respect for employees, care for employees, and create a fair and just enterprise environment that respects employees' ideals and development, which is the enterprise gene of Shenzhen Keda

From the old to the new, Shenzhen Keda Semiconductor has been constantly innovating and advancing. In the future, we will continue to uphold the values of deep cooperation, scientific innovation and win-win cooperation, and create a better future with customers, partners and employees