Shenzhen shenkeda Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.

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4Company news

Spring is the most beautiful time for her.

The spring scenery is beautiful, just as "she" shines brightly

Holiday, not a special treat for her

Love, in every spring, summer, autumn and winter

In this warm spring, in order to meet the annual "international 38 working women's Day", deep branch semiconductor organization all goddess learning flower arrangement, into the world of flowers, listen to the flowers, open flower art journey, have a different "goddess festival".

The scene of the activity was full of flowers and lively. The flower art teacher carefully explained the flower selection, maintenance, color matching, modeling and other flower arrangement skills, and showed the flower arrangement steps. Under the guidance of the teacher, everyone conceived the shape, carefully selected the flowers, according to different flower materials, color matching and cutting, completely immersed in the floral creation, with dexterous hands, carefully compiled a basket of colorful, creative floral works.

This activity made everyone have a deeper understanding of the art of flower arrangement and learned a lot of knowledge about flower arrangement. Looking at the flower arrangement works created by oneself, they felt full of accomplishment and happiness.

Finally, on the occasion of this beautiful festival, Shenkeda semiconductor wishes every goddess can do better themselves in this day of pamper and being pamper! In the future, may your life be as bright as spring; May you in their own posts filled with sincere, original intention not forget; May all the good come as expected; May you live up to your youth and blossom in your heart!